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Random Wallpaper for Linux


rwall is a Cinnamon Applet which selects a random wallpaper for your desktop based on the information you provide. A query is run against which returns images in a random order; the image at the top of the list is selected, downloaded, and applied as the desktop wallpaper.

Supported Platforms

The only testing I’ve done with this program has been on Linux Mint 17.3 (Cinnamon). My assumption is that it should work on other versions of Mint as well. It might work with Ubuntu (and possibly other distros) if you just use the rwall script as a cron job, but I haven’t tested this to know.


Download here:

Extract the ZIP and move the extracted directory to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/

Alternatively, you may clone this repository into your applets directory by doing the following

cd ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets
git clone rwall@typicalfoobar

Modifications to the original code:

  1. caches the filenames of images
  2. select wallpapers from multiple sources.
  3. randomly select the source.
  4. ability to “login” to (access to NSFW images)